I have heard many artists who can point out technical flaws in other people works often citing "the rules", but are so blind to the fact that they have no depth / color harmony/ whatever, in their own piece, yet they have followed some of the design rules. I do NOT want to be one of these people.
I have now implemented two basic rules if I am going to critique someone's work;
- The artist them self has asked me for a critique.
- I must have at least two positive things to say then and only then will I point out that something is off to my eye.
I have recently been involved in a group art exhibit. I have the privilege of gallery sitting three times. In a quiet hour there I decided to go and really look at the 6 ribbon winners from our show to see what I could learn from the style of this works. While looking at one of the works the thought struck me that when meeting this artist in person I saw someone very different from the person portrayed in her work. Was I looking at the person she wants to be or was I looking at the person she wants the world to see her as? Now I will not ask her this, but I can ask myself does my passion come across in my work? Am I giving my viewers a peek into my soul? Question I need to ponder on a bit more.
I love to paint, I really need to get back to small 2 hour paintings. I need to get back to painting those with a specific purpose. IE: shadow and light, color harmony and design. I have been way to focused on larger pieces to concentrate on basic elements and I am afraid my work has started to have some cartoon like elements not that there is anything wrong with that if it is your intent/style. It is just not where I want to be.
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