Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Leap and a net will appear.

In 1981 I was 20, and living in California. I had a confidence in my artistic ability back then that astounds the me that is today. With my sketchbook in hand I walked into a pediatrician's office and pitched a mural idea. A week later I was painting that mural.

My dream is to make a living as an artist.
My leap has been to turn down a few temp jobs in favor of pursuing my art a bit more.

My first net...

I like to paint in public places. I like the positive feedback I receive, the wonder that I see in children's eyes as the color hits the canvas. I was doing just that at a coffee shop. A very nice woman came up to encourage me. We ended up having a half hour conversation. I will be painting a mural in her son's room sometime in the next month.

Her son is only 10, but he has an eye for color and design. He will be assisting me in painting the mural as well. The mural will be a sophisticated urban scene with some musical components. I will be sharing photos soon.

I have confidence that this will lead to more nets.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I have come to realize the delicate balance of being blinded to the flaws in ones own paintings and thinking you are a no talent hack. I am more prone to thinking I suck. (No I am not looking for pats on the back or "there, there sweetheart".) It is just very hard to be objective about your own work.

 I have heard many artists who can point out technical flaws in other people works often citing "the rules", but are so blind to the fact that they have no depth / color harmony/ whatever, in their own piece, yet they have followed some of the design rules. I do NOT want to be one of these people.

 I have now implemented two basic rules if I am going to critique someone's work;
  1. The artist them self has asked me for a critique.
  2.  I must have at least two positive things to say then and only then will I point out that something is off to my eye.

 I have recently been involved in a group art exhibit. I have the privilege of gallery sitting three times. In a quiet hour there I decided to go and really look at the 6 ribbon winners from our show to see what I could learn from the style of this works. While looking at one of the works the thought struck me that when meeting this artist in person I saw someone very different from the person portrayed in her work. Was I looking at the person she wants to be or was I looking at the person she wants the world to see her as? Now I will not ask her this, but I can ask myself does my passion come across in my work? Am I giving my viewers a peek into my soul? Question I need to ponder on a bit more.

 I love to paint, I really need to get back to small 2 hour paintings. I need to get back to painting those with a specific purpose. IE: shadow and light, color harmony and design. I have been way to focused on larger pieces to concentrate on basic elements and I am afraid my work has started to have some cartoon like elements not that there is anything wrong with that if it is your intent/style. It is just not where I want to be.